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Larry Wolff, The Singing Turk. Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage from the Siege of Vienna to the Age of Napoleon. Stanford, 2016. In his monograph The…
Ovidiu Cristea, Liviu Pilat, The Ottoman Threat and Crusading on the Eastern Border of Christendom during the 15th Century (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450 48),…
Tahsin Gemil, Romanians and Ottomans in the XIVth – XVIth centuries, Bukarest 2009 Romanians and Ottomans in the XIVth – XVIth centuries [Românii şi Otomanii în secolele XIV-XVI] was first…
Kaar Alexandra, Wirtschaft, Krieg und Seelenheil. Papst Martin V., Kaiser Sigismund und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen The monograph at hand is the revised version of Alexandra Kaar‘s…