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Mikhail M. Krom, Стародубская война (1534–1537). Из истории русско–литовских отношений [The Starodub War, 1534–37: From the History of Russian-Lithuanian Relations], Moscow 2008 Mikhail M. Krom has been working as a…
Dmitrij I. Antonov, Цари и самозванцы: борьба идей в России Смутного времени. [Tsars and impostors. The struggle of ideas in Russia in the Time of Troubles], Moscow 2019 Dmitrij I….
Charles J. Halperin, The Rise and Demise of the Myth of the Rus’ Land (Beyond Medieval Europe), Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2022 Charles J. Halperin received a PhD in Russian…