for example: Byzantine , Religion , Wars advanced search
James Palmer, Early Medieval Hagiography (Past Imperfect), Amsterdam 2018 At its core, a hagiographical text describes the exemplary life of a particular saint. Saintly stories inform the audience about the…
Dorothea Schröder, Zeitgeschichte auf der Opernbühne. Barockes Musiktheater in Hamburg im Dienst von Politik und Diplomatie (Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte), Göttingen 1998 In her postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation), Dorothea Schröder studies the…
Dennis Roth, Krieg in der Oper (Rombach Wissenschaften. Litterae 228), Freiburg i.Br.; Berlin; Wien 2017. In his monograph Krieg in der Oper, Dennis Roth discusses the occurrence of war-related topics…
Matthias Müller, Zeichen und Medien des Militärischen am Fürstenhof im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (Schriften zur Residenzkultur 10), Berlin 2017 Edited by the art historian Matthias Müller, whose research interests include forms…
Ildar Garipzanov, Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 300–900, Oxford 2018 Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 300–900…
Hinz, Felix/Meyer-Hamme, Johannes (eds.): Controversial Histories – Current Views on the Crusades (Engaging the Crusades 3), London 2021. In recent years, the legacy and memory of the Crusades have emerged…
Paolella, Christopher. Human Trafficking in Medieval Europe: Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, and Prostitution (Social Worlds of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, 7). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. Christopher Paolella…
Clauss, Martin: Militärgeschichte des Mittelalters, München 2020. Martin Clauss is a professor of Medieval History at the University of Chemnitz. His expertise in medieval warfare is attested by various books,…
Pohl, Mareike: Fliehen – Kämpfen – Kapitulieren. Rationales Handel im Zeitalter Friedrich Barbarossas (Wege zur Geschichtswissenschaft), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2014. The book was accepted as a dissertation at the University of…