for example: Byzantine , Religion , Wars advanced search
Eric Burkart, Kreuzzug als Selbstbeschreibung. Burgundische Statuspolitik in den spätmittelalterlichen Traktaten des Jean Germain (Pariser Historische Studien 117), Heidelberg 2020 The crusade politics of the late medieval Valois dukes of…
Timothy E. Gregory, A History of Byzantium, Hoboken 2010 Timothy E. Gregory (born c. 1951), professor emeritus, is an American historian and scholar, specializing in the Byzantine empire and in…
István Vásáry, Cumans and Tatars Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans, 1185–1365, Cambridge 2005 This overview is devoted to István Vásáry’s monograph Cumans and Tatars: Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman…
Hinz, Felix/Meyer-Hamme, Johannes (eds.): Controversial Histories – Current Views on the Crusades (Engaging the Crusades 3), London 2021. In recent years, the legacy and memory of the Crusades have emerged…
Dmitrij I. Antonov, Цари и самозванцы: борьба идей в России Смутного времени. [Tsars and impostors. The struggle of ideas in Russia in the Time of Troubles], Moscow 2019 Dmitrij I….
Charles J. Halperin, The Rise and Demise of the Myth of the Rus’ Land (Beyond Medieval Europe), Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2022 Charles J. Halperin received a PhD in Russian…