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Ovidiu Christea, The Power of Words, Târgoviște 2014 Ovidiu Cristea has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of History “Nicolae Iorga” in Bucharest since 1993 and as the…
Klaus Peter Matschke, Das Kreuz und der Halbmond. Die Geschichte der Türkenkriege, Düsseldorf 2004 The Turkish Wars are commonly referred to as military conflict between the Ottoman Empire and several…
Niederkorn Jan, Die europäischen Mächte und der „Lange Türkenkrieg“ Kaiser Rudolfs II. (1593–1606), Wien 1993 At the end of the 16th century, after several decades of relative peace, repeatedly disturbed…
Almut Höfert: Den Feind beschreiben. “Türkengefahr” und europäisches Wissen über das Osmanische Reich 1450-1600 (= Campus Historische Studien; Bd. 35), Frankfurt am Main, Campus 2004 By the time of the…