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Eduard Mühle, Die Slaven im Mittelalter, Wien, Köln, Weimar 2020 The German historian Eduard Mühle was the director of the Herder Institute of Marburg from 1995 to 2005. Mühle is…
Sean Griffin, The Liturgical Past in Byzantium and Early Rus, Cambridge 2019. Sean Griffin is a scholar of Russian culture, religion, and politics. His current research focuses on topics as…
Ovidiu Christea, The Power of Words, Târgoviște 2014 Ovidiu Cristea has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of History “Nicolae Iorga” in Bucharest since 1993 and as the…
Mihailo Milinković, Early Byzantine settlements in Serbia and surroundings, Belgrade 2015 Михаило Милинковић, Рановизантијска насеља у Србији и њеном окружењу (Београд 2015) Mihailo Milinković, Early Byzantine settlements in Serbia and…
Charles J. Halperin, The Rise and Demise of the Myth of the Rus’ Land (Beyond Medieval Europe), Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2022 Charles J. Halperin received a PhD in Russian…