since 10/2019
PhD-Candidate in the Research Training Group 2304 “Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception”, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.
Subject: Medieval History
Provisional Dissertation Title: Recollecting Conflict. Depictions of War in the Narratives of Early Medieval Southern Italy
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ludger Körntgen, Prof. Dr. Heike Grieser
Kontakt: bpeters[at]uni-mainz.de
Tel. +496131-3928437
Early Medieval Hagiography attempts to outline the nature of hagiographical narratives, and to describe complexity and diversity of the Early Middle Ages
Making History in Ninth-Century Northern and Southern Italy focuses on historical narratives in Italy, where locals interacted with Muslims, Franks and Byzantines.
This edited volume deals with predation and its consequences and illustrates that plundering was a significant element of warfare during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
Bryan Gillis explores the use of what he labels “horror rhetoric” by West-Francian authors in response to the misery befalling the kingdom from the 880s until the 920s
The book focuses on the Mediterranean theatre of war that saw Norman military activity.