for example: Byzantine , Religion , Wars advanced search
John F. Haldon, Byzantium at War: AD 600-1453 (Essential Histories 33), London 2003 John F. Haldon is a renowned British historian. He was professor at the university of Birmingham for…
Monica White, Military saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200, Cambridge 2013 Monica White is Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic Studies at University of Nottingham. Her expertise lies in the…
Walter E. Kaegi, Muslim Expansion and Byzantine Collapse in North Africa, Cambridge 2010 Walter E. Kaegi is professor emeritus for byzantine history at the University of Chicago. His period of…
Timothy E. Gregory, A History of Byzantium, Hoboken 2010 Timothy E. Gregory (born c. 1951), professor emeritus, is an American historian and scholar, specializing in the Byzantine empire and in…
István Vásáry, Cumans and Tatars Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans, 1185–1365, Cambridge 2005 This overview is devoted to István Vásáry’s monograph Cumans and Tatars: Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman…
Bruhn Hoffmeyer, Ada. Military Equipment in the Byzantine Manuscript of Skylitzes in Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, in: Gladius 5 (1966), 1-194. Ada Bruhn Hoffmeyer (1910-1991) was a museum curator and…
Hurbanič Martin, The Avar Siege of Constantinople in 626. History and Legend, Basel 2020 Martin Hurbanič is an associated professor in the Department of General History at Comenius University in…
Mihailo Milinković, Early Byzantine settlements in Serbia and surroundings, Belgrade 2015 Михаило Милинковић, Рановизантијска насеља у Србији и њеном окружењу (Београд 2015) Mihailo Milinković, Early Byzantine settlements in Serbia and…
Jan Prostko-Prostyński, A History of the Herules, Poznań Adam Mickiewicz University Press 2021 Jan Prostko-Prostyński is a Polish ancient historian from the University of Poznań. In his monograph, published in…
Alexander Sarantis: Justinian’s Balkan Wars. Campaigning, Diplomacy and Development in Illyricum, Thrace and the Northern World. A.D. 527–65. ARCA: Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 53 (Francis Cairns Publications,…