for example: Byzantine , Religion , Wars advanced search
Stefan Hanheide, Pace. Musik zwischen Krieg und Frieden, Kassel 2007 In this companion, Stefan Hanheide, Professor for Historical Musicology at Osnabrück University, presents forty compositions related to the topic of…
Larry Wolff, The Singing Turk. Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage from the Siege of Vienna to the Age of Napoleon. Stanford, 2016. In his monograph The…
Dorothea Schröder, Zeitgeschichte auf der Opernbühne. Barockes Musiktheater in Hamburg im Dienst von Politik und Diplomatie (Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte), Göttingen 1998 In her postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation), Dorothea Schröder studies the…
Dennis Roth, Krieg in der Oper (Rombach Wissenschaften. Litterae 228), Freiburg i.Br.; Berlin; Wien 2017. In his monograph Krieg in der Oper, Dennis Roth discusses the occurrence of war-related topics…
Matthias Müller, Zeichen und Medien des Militärischen am Fürstenhof im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (Schriften zur Residenzkultur 10), Berlin 2017 Edited by the art historian Matthias Müller, whose research interests include forms…
Ovidiu Christea, The Power of Words, Târgoviște 2014 Ovidiu Cristea has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of History “Nicolae Iorga” in Bucharest since 1993 and as the…
Ștefan S. Gorovei; Maria Magdalena Székely, Princeps omni laude maior. A History of Stephen the Great (Centrul de Cercetare și Documentare “Ștefan cel Mare” al Sfintei Mănăstiri Putna 1), Putna…
Klaus Peter Matschke, Das Kreuz und der Halbmond. Die Geschichte der Türkenkriege, Düsseldorf 2004 The Turkish Wars are commonly referred to as military conflict between the Ottoman Empire and several…
Niederkorn Jan, Die europäischen Mächte und der „Lange Türkenkrieg“ Kaiser Rudolfs II. (1593–1606), Wien 1993 At the end of the 16th century, after several decades of relative peace, repeatedly disturbed…
Mikhail M. Krom, Стародубская война (1534–1537). Из истории русско–литовских отношений [The Starodub War, 1534–37: From the History of Russian-Lithuanian Relations], Moscow 2008 Mikhail M. Krom has been working as a…